Gender differences in moral judgment and the evaluation of gender-specified moral agents. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Preferences for efficiency, rather than preferences for morality, drive cooperation in the one-shot Stag-Hunt Game. Capraro, V., Rodriguez-Lara, I., & Ruiz-Martos, M. Judgment and Decision Making, 13, 99–111. Do the right thing: Experimental evidence that preferences for moral behavior, rather than equity or efficiency per se, drive human prosociality. (2012) Economic games on the Internet: The effect of $1 stakes. The IDRlabs Gender Game Test was compiled on the basis of the following sources: Amir, O., Rand, D. IDRlabs is not affiliated with any of the researchers mentioned in the references list below. The IDRlabs Gender Game test was developed by IDRlabs on the basis of a growing body of scientific research which suggests that men and women perform differently in trade-off, payout games.